Case Study

Treasury Today

Delivering strategic input, maintenance and optimisation to a Sitecore 9 and deployed on Microsoft Azure


Treasury Today


Sitecore, .NET, Azure DevOps, MS SQL


2 years (Ongoing)


Optimising a power CMS platform

Treasury Today is a specialist online publication with a global user base, they engaged Imobisoft as they reduced their internal development resource and wanted to relocate that budget into an external partner to help them make better use of the enterprise grade Sitecore 9 CMS platform.

  • New functionality, site design and optimisation of UX
  • Content management and updating on requests
  • SEO optimisation and enabling the use of data derived insight in the business
  • CRM integration
  • Social media integration

Working as an extension to the team

TreasuryToday had deployed Sitecore 9 at the core of their business but relied on expensive external resources to fully capitalise on the capabilities of the CMS. To overcome this they looked for a team with Sitecore specialism who could help them strategically develop the site as an extension to their internal teams.

Whilst Imobisoft is an independent partner, we deliver skills teams to our partners that compliment their internal resources and a large part of the


Whilst delivering a cost-saving vs their internal costs and use of other suppliers


Imobisoft has increased dwell time on the site by 7% and delivered a new members section to reach their objective of enhancing their online community engagement.

Treasury Today - Sitecore

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