Venturefest 2021: How we continued to deliver Digital Products into the NHS during the lockdown


This year has tested the resilience of us all in our own individual ways. In the space of few weeks we had to re-imagine how many aspects of daily life operated. Some of which we’re personally very much looking forward to dropping and some of which we’re all seeing the benefits from and may inspire us to keep up the habits in the future.


From our perspective, we had to re-think how we collaborated with partners when face to face interaction was no longer an option. In the past we have naturally lead with physical meetings at important stages of a project, firstly to understand any feedback but also ensure that allow parties were aligned in our ways of thinking. Additionally, there are natural gaps in partners’ understanding of tech or Imobisoft process, which could also be discussed and deliberated openly. 


On Thursday the 28th of Jan our Managing Partner shared via a panel discussion at the Innovation Alliance of West Midlands Venturefest event how we responded to the lockdown and in particular looking closely at a digital product we delivered into the NHS.

We’d love to see you there – if you would like a ticket please let us know or visit for more information.

Have a project in mind? Let’s get to work.

Let’s chat about how we can help you. Fill in the details and we’ll get back to you as soon we can.